Final stage in refining process
Deodorising is the final stage in oil refining. Deodorising removes odoriferous material, free fatty acids and other undesired minor components to produce a bland oil with a good shelf life.
State-of-the-art deodorising
Over the latest years, the aim of a state-of-the-art deodorising became:
odour, flavour removal
free fatty acid removal
colour reduction (heat bleaching)
peroxides destruction
losses in essential fatty acids (EPA/DHA)
creation of transisomerisation (TFA)
breakdown vitam. A+D+E
Organoleptic & Nutritional Value Shelf life
Final customers require a perfect oil with high organoleptic and nutritional values, even one year after production.
Deodorising stages
The different stages in deodorising are :
Deodorising / steam stripping
Heat recovery / cooling
Final cooling
Polishing filtration
Top quality products require optimal conditions at all stages.
Available deodorising technologies
We supply a Continuous Deodoriser, the Qualistock™ Deodoriser and a Feedstock change Deodoriser, the Multistock™ Deodoriser.
For both systems, we can propose the Sublimax Ice Condensing System.