Desmet India launched their Innovation Challenge back in March 2022 with participation from employees to create impactful ideas related to "New business vertical, New Technology, Process upgrade ideas and Cost Optimization". The contest was hosted by the company's internal innovation team and was open to all employees. According to Desmet India’s CEO, Mr Anurag Bhatnagar, this contest was aimed at bringing out the best in employees by encouraging them to come up with innovative ideas that is in sync with Desmet group’s principle, developing innovations and reliable solutions for our customers.
Mr Anurag, CEO Desmet India said that: “By holding this competition we hope to encourage our employee’s creativity and allow them to explore new ways of thinking that may help us stay ahead of our competitors."
Mr Anurag Bhatnagar, CEO of Desmet India
This contest received a tremendous response from employees across all levels of organization. Employees were asked to submit their innovative ideas and 15 creative ideas was selected for the 1st round. After further validation and presentation to panel of juries, 3 teams emerged as winners and a grand felicitation ceremony was held on 30th September 2022 to recognize & congratulate all team members.
3rd place
2nd place
1st place
Desmet India Employees celebrating the closing of Desmet India Innovation Challenge 2022